Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial

International Semester in English

for the academic year 2024-2025

The international semester offers an opportunity to study courses taught in English at the Escuela Técnica de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (ETSIDI). These English courses are available for engineering studies in any of the degrees currently offered by ETSIDI, and they are open to ETSIDI students as well as any visiting or exchange students. An international student could choose to take the whole semester in English or select some courses in English.


The international semester is an amazing opportunity to study courses taught in English at the Escuela Técnica de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (ETSIDI). Dive into all the details about the subjects offered by clicking the link below!

International Semester in English Icono PDF

The international semester course schedule is available at the following link:


Please look for group D402 to find your classes.




A student can choose to take the entire semester in English or select some courses in English and others in Spanish from among those offered in any of ETSIDI’s undergraduate degree programs

Fall Semester
30 ECTS of courses in English and/or 6 ECTS of Spanish language course and/or 12 ECTS of the Final Project

Spring Semester
30 ECTS of courses in English and/or 6 ECTS of Spanish language course and/or 12 ECTS of the Final Project


Spanish Courses
* Language courses: The UPM offers centrally administered Spanish courses for visiting students. Information can be found at:


Catalogue of courses taught in English

565005808 Art, Technology and Society 3 Icono PDF
565005071 Computer Aided Manufacturing workshop 3 Icono PDF
565005802 Design and selection of materials in 3D printing 3 Icono PDF
To check English for Professional and Academic Communication 6 Icono PDF
565005072 Intellectual capital and knowledge management 3 Icono PDF
565005803 Introduction to Mechatronic Systems Design 3 Icono PDF
565005073 Practical Internet of Things of Raspberry Pi 3 Icono PDF
To check Preparation of English 6 Icono PDF
565005070 Spanish language course 6 Icono PDF
  Final project 12  
565005801 Advanced Mathematics in Engineering 3 Icono PDF
565005805 Design for Manufacturing and Asembly 3 Icono PDF
565005081 Drawing and Sketching for Designers and Engineers 3 Icono PDF
To check English for Professional and Academic Communication 6 Icono PDF
565005082 Finite element based simulation model for fluid dynamics 3 Icono PDF
565005084 Introduction to Chaos Applied to Systems, Processes and Products Design 3 Icono PDF
565005806 Introduction to hybrid energy systems 3 Icono PDF
565005083 Phtovoltaic-powered products 3 Icono PDF
565005807 Water and sustainability 3 Icono PDF
565005070 Spanish language course 6 Icono PDF
  Final Project 12